Café Mericourt serves good specialty coffee, including filtered coffee {pour over} which is apparently a sign that experts are serving your cup a joe. It's a fairly roomy cafe with plenty of greenery to satisfy the bohemian heart, but their main draw is their groovy brunch menu.
While the café itself is nice, I'm not planning to return because of the neighborhood. I went to the cafe with my family and after we grabbed our coffee we tried to find a park nearby. We walked about 5 minutes from the shop and found a playground, but there were sketchy characters hanging out in front of the jungle gym drinking something and smoking something else. Then we found a little church yard where some children were playing, but there were human feces here and there. Soooo... yeah. Let me know if the brunch is good, though.
Café Mericourt 11th Arrondissement
22 Rue de la Folie Méricourt
75011 Paris
01 58 30 98 02
Mon - Sun 9am-6pm
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